It's been months since I've updated the site so I'm going to start by saying what this site is for and why it's designed the way it is.
It seems like a fairly stiff, boring, business thing to do to have a mission statement. I've been doing them since a middle school English assignment and while they can be a little bulky and clunky and boring, they are a good place to start when laying out intentions.
1.) The primary function of this site is to showcase my writing. It's my chosen profession and as such that's what I'll focus on. The things I fangirl over and the things I obsess over and the things I stand for are not relevant to this forum. That's what my tumblr is for and to a lesser extent my twitter. If you want to get to know me, try one of those sites. If you want to get to know my writing, stick around.
2.) The site is a bit of a pink overdose and I did that on purpose. I love pink. It's my second favorite color. The reason I chose not to design it in black is because a lot of sites are designed in black. A lot of author's sites are designed in black; hardly any are designed in pink. (It's worth noting that my laptop is grey on the outside and has a custom pink theme with a Justified wallpaper. My tumblr takes it even further by having a Hello Kitty mouse cursor.)
3.) I probably won't update the spoilertv section very often even though it's a big part of my career. To properly highlight my articles, you'd have to check out pages of content. I'm only going to start updating it in the fall when all the shows come back.
4.) And this doesn't really have anything to do with a mission statement but I sleep odd hours. I keep tumblr hours. Please expect at least a day delay in responding to anything noncritical.